Monday, June 7, 2010

Something about Scarlett

So we really shouldn't have favorites..but there is just something about Scarlett. She came in young, skinny and caring for a litter of babies. She also had a funny snaggletooth, which we later learned was a result of her jaw being broken and never treated by a veterinarian so it healed crooked.

OSU veterinary school wired her jaw for us so it would heal and we babied her while her little broken jaw was wired and waiting to heal. Sadly, despite best efforts her jaw could not be repaired without another, more extensive surgery. We decided Miss Scarlet has been through enough already and since she can now eat and drink with no problem we decided that she can keep her crooked jaw and charming little snaggletooth. We think she's pretty adorable..and the tooth certainly gives her character! In fact, one of our caretakers has suggested she looks a bit like a mobster..

"Make me an offer I can't refuse.. like a new home!"

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