Saturday, August 21, 2010

Happy Tale: Harriet finds happiness

Harriet had a very rough life before she came to us- she was missing large patches of fur, was infested with parasites and had been a street cat desperately trying to protect her kittens from the neighborhood dogs.
Now Harriet gets to take it easy and have the life she deserves. She was able to go to a great home with a senior citizen thanks to one of our Free Cat Friday events. Here is an update from her owner's granddaughter!

"I visited Harriet at my Grandparents' today. She's very fat and sassy. She's got her own heated barn to stay in, but she'd rather lay outside on the lawn mower so she can see inside and watch my grandpa sleep in his room. He says she even climbs up the 8 foot ladder to get up on the roof sometimes. He definitely loves her, he even calls her his pocket cat. If weren't for Free Cat Friday, he wouldn't have been able to adopt her. :)"

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