Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jock gets a job

Some dogs need a home and some dogs need a job. When Jock's last owners left him to fend for himself at only 5 months of age a good Samaritan picked him up and turned him into Stillwater Animal Welfare. He was accepted into the Humane Society's adoption program. Despite best efforts to train Jock and screen new owners and inform them of the commitment that raising such a smart, large energetic puppy would require Jock was adopted and returned three times. Poor Jock! It was obvious that he didn't just need a home..he needed a job!
Luckily, Jock is going to get the chance to be a productive member of society. He is going to be the newest K9 cop for Shawnee! Best of luck Jock! We know you will do a great job. And a big thanks to his new dad/trainer/partner for giving him a chance.

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